Today is the first day of “stay the heck indoors” season.

Love some lush and sappy synthwave, Monsters 🎡

Flowers from before

Apparently air quality is down here today due to dust from the Saharan desert. You can see the haze from the dust in the air and beautiful sunsets.

Yard work done! Time for a beer and some tunes.

Morning walks

I love walks in the morning, before it’s too hot. Headphones on with some chill music, not too loud so you can still hear the birds. Occasionally you can smell someone cooking a breakfast from the street. Makes you wonder about the people preparing the food.

Drafts 21 brings custom dialogs with HTML/CSS/JS. This is amazing .

Stumbled across, the Browncoats Mixtape and now I really need a Firefly rewatch. It’s been a while.

“Gross Easter Beer”.

It’s an IPA brewed with dragon fruit , passion fruit, lemons and… marshmallow PEEPS. By Westbrook Brewing.

I was a bit apprehensive to try this one. It’s definitely not gross.

My battery is getting low and it’s getting dark

β€” Opportunity Rover πŸ’¬