

Full Post List

Jul 5, 2024: New visitors to our pond today. Four Black-Bellied Whistling ducks showed up. They hung out in the shade until the evening and even came over to where …

May 29, 2024: Have what I hope is a usable workflow to post here from iOS/iPadOS. Probably post more about it soon.

May 23, 2024: Time to move on and move on I’ve done.

May 2, 2024: 📺 Trying to watch Tencent’s “3Body” and the pacing is glacial.

Apr 28, 2024: ☕️ When will I learn that an Americano is not good coffee. #coffee

Apr 23, 2024: Have been using History Book for a while now and it’s such a great tool.…

Apr 19, 2024: Excised Eero devices from my network a while back. Replaced them with a Firewalla and Deco mesh. Highly recommend.

Apr 18, 2024: One of my favorite things is going to bed late, wife is asleep, phone has long been on sleep focus, I put my phone on the MagSafe charger….. …

Apr 14, 2024: An Eastern Shovel tree. I do wonder how this happened.

Apr 9, 2024: Realized that the most janky website I visit is YouTube. To penalize Firefox or combat ad blocking, I guess Google thinks it’s ok to slow the …

Apr 7, 2024: Every now and then my Discovery radio will slip into,… mode.

Apr 6, 2024: Starting a new little Python project. Step one, what’s the preferred packaging and virtual environment setup this week? Almost went with Ruby, …

Apr 4, 2024: Found a tiny turtle friend.

Mar 23, 2024: Ended up watching the entire season of “Three Body Problem” yesterday. So good. 📺

Sep 23, 2023: Youngest had an outdoor piano recital today. Seems like a good #ADayInTheLife choice.

Sep 15, 2023: Just realized a weird pre-internet thing with me. I have had car insurance well before the internet was a thing, with the same agent from my hometown. …

Aug 11, 2023: We were in a car accident April 30th. No injuries, but our car has been in the shop since then. 3+ months! I really don’t want to get another …

Jul 1, 2023: Totally thought Hijack on ATV+ was a movie. It’s a series 🤦🏽‍♂️

Jun 25, 2023: Glad Silo on ATV+ was renewed for a second season. Great show, love the intensity.

Jun 2, 2023: These gulls know what’s up.

May 30, 2023: On vacation this week and giving the 3.0 client a spin. It’s come a long way and I think it’ll be my full time client now.

May 21, 2023: My governor….. I look forward to the day democrats are so rare we have to hunt them with dogs – Henry McMaster

Mar 31, 2023: Flowertown festival this weekend and traffic is extra terrible.

Mar 26, 2023: Enjoying the new Hipstamatic more than I should. Lack of ads and the temporary nature of posts makes it a fun distraction, but I’ll probably grow …

Mar 4, 2023: Tiny blooms on our Pawpaw tree.

Feb 24, 2023: 🎬 I realize I am kinda late to this, but finished watching “The Batman” last night and it’s a great movie hiding in a way too long …

Feb 2, 2023: I guess @manton can remove Twitter crossposting now.

Jan 9, 2023: Find someone pushing for “favorites/likes”, and you’ve likely found someone building an audience. Not someone looking for meaningful …

Jan 8, 2023: One good thing about people who drive squat pickups…. You very likely know what kind of person you’re dealing with, if you have any interactions.

Dec 30, 2022: My Ode grinder lives! Had to drill out a jammed burr and do some hammering to free the burr carrier. Sanded the auger, then installed a set of Ode gen …

Dec 30, 2022: WildCat on Prime is hard to watch at times, but worth it.

Dec 24, 2022: A Baltimore Oriole showed up on our feeder this morning. Seems to be kinda behind with it’s migration. Hopefully this cold doesn’t hurt it.

Dec 13, 2022: The ILM documentary on Disney+, brings a lot of feels.

Dec 11, 2022: ☕️ Ode to an Ode…. It’s is with great sadness that I report the death of my Fellow Ode coffee grinder. Not sure what happened. One day it …

Nov 27, 2022: First tree lighting of the season for us.

Nov 10, 2022: This has been on repeat most of the week. Lava Canal is a standout. Seven Hour Sunset by Hello Meteor

Nov 9, 2022: Highlighting some great posts about the Fediverse. It’s just blogs Eternal September begins

Nov 2, 2022: 🎥 Just caught up with Andor episodes. It has a nice slow burn. Episodes where almost nothing happens, but the intensity keeps ramping. Great show and …

Oct 19, 2022: Well this is a nice surprise…

Oct 12, 2022: Bike’s new rich text editing implementation is simple and innovative. As good as Markdown, without the noise… maybe.

Oct 10, 2022: This is a fantastic change. It brings closer to a first class Fediverse citizen.… I think I’ll disable …

Oct 5, 2022: Carolina Mantis

Oct 1, 2022: 🍃 Cutting up downed limbs and cleaning up the yard

Sep 30, 2022: 🌴 Surveying the yard for Ian damage.

Sep 29, 2022: 🌀 Watching Ian make it’s way here.

Sep 29, 2022: ☕ Catching up with the interwebs

Sep 27, 2022: ❓ Status checking

Sep 27, 2022: 💆‍♂ One day I'll be able to @maique and the universe will implode.

Sep 27, 2022: ☕ Catching up with the interwebs

Sep 26, 2022: Hybrid I was a latecomer discovering Hybrid, starting around 2014. We had spent a weekend in the mountains of Western North Carolina and were driving back …

Sep 25, 2022: Love this time of year when it gets dark earlier. I can go for evening walks as the sun goes down, with something deep, dark and electronic playing in …

Sep 25, 2022: 🎳 Headed out to go bowling with the kids.

Sep 25, 2022: 🧪 Emoji on a single line.

Sep 25, 2022: 🎉 And now they are!

Sep 25, 2022: ❓ Hmm... statuses aren't posting.

Sep 18, 2022: Dogstar 2006 2022

Aug 10, 2022: Was descaling my coffee maker today using vinegar. Leaned over the top of it and maced myself. Gotta remember not to do that again. 🤣 ☕

Jul 31, 2022: Finally made it to “The Expanse” in my reading queue. I am just about finished with the first book and coming from the show, which I was already a …

Jul 25, 2022: Sleepy, but also RAWR!

Jun 12, 2022: I was hoping “Strange New Worlds” wouldn’t have Pike “pulling a Kirk”, but S1E6, proved that wrong. At least it was a …

Jun 4, 2022: Hopefully the pushback on Apple including promos, commercials and interviews in Music playlists, will get them to reverse that decision.

May 20, 2022: Sad to read that Vangelis passed away. His music definitely influenced my interest in synths and music in general. 🎶

May 16, 2022: The last Android device I purchased was a Nexus 6p. It was the last of the Nexus line and marked a shift for how Google does devices. It was also the …

May 6, 2022: First episode of “Strange New Worlds” nailed it. The title sequence, theme music, plot, characters… all of it. This is good Star …

Apr 27, 2022: Excited to discover that we have both, Downy and Red-bellied woodpecker nests in our backyard.

Apr 23, 2022: Been a while since I hung out at the “Second State Coffee” downtown location. ☕️

Apr 22, 2022: Nice to see solid official apps available now. Glad he explained why he choose to omit the local and federated timelines. …

Apr 4, 2022: Our Flame Azelea starting to bloom.

Apr 3, 2022: Recapturing your youth does not mean getting wasted all the time, it means having a regular bowel movement and sleeping like a normal person. Solid …

Mar 27, 2022: Our recent addition is very snuggly.

Mar 24, 2022: With the brew folks heading to web3 I guess it’s time to look at nix again.

Mar 2, 2022: Epic Games is buying Bandcamp. This is terrible news.…

Feb 12, 2022: Probably time to mark Firefox as “done” and move on,…

Feb 10, 2022: Had to enable my first “mute” on today. Nothing egregious, but no time for that nonsense.

Feb 5, 2022: Grabbed the five year deal and had to do something with the ten blogs it gives you. Decided to dedicate one to our cats, .

Jan 17, 2022: Wasn’t that impressed with spatial audio when Apple introduced it, but I recently revisited it with some newly released music. Blown away at how …

Dec 9, 2021: Was out on my morning run this week when this little one walked out to ask for help. He has some eye issues and very underweight, but seems to be …

Nov 2, 2021: Have been with Fastmail since 2004. Their service is and has been fantastic, but this will be my last month with the service. I have moved my email …

Oct 3, 2021: Picking up some plants yesterday and found this little one.

Sep 11, 2021: Josie enjoying the new cat cave

Aug 29, 2021: Anyone tried Mela? A delight to use and has me considering a switch from my current recipe/grocery app. Also not the first time I’ve wished we …

Aug 29, 2021: I may have purchased a new domain to try out iCloud email with custom domains.

Aug 15, 2021: Two Crows on the fence playing with something. Thought it was a butterfly but it was this Luna moth.

Aug 10, 2021: For almost as long as I’ve been in computing I’ve used Emacs. At first almost stock with a few customization, then shifting into Prelude, …

May 14, 2021: Picked up Sagan’s “Broca’s Brain” in a little library the other day. It’s been years since I last read it and had forgotten how good it was and what a …

May 10, 2021: Echoes When I was a kid, one of my favorite escapes from the small southern town I lived in was, “Echoes” on public radio. This show introduced …

Apr 9, 2021: Ventured out for the first time in a very long time.

Apr 2, 2021: A House Finch pair made a nest outside my office window and now they have babies they are caring for. Love watching them feeding and hearing the …

Mar 31, 2021: I really need to get out more while the flowers are still at peak.

Mar 18, 2021: Maybe I should consider Overcast again. Use Chartable or Podsights to measure your traffic? Overcast will no longer appear in your data: Marco Arment, …

Mar 7, 2021: Seems like is still having some trouble today? Is there an official status page anywhere?

Feb 1, 2021: It’s been a long time since an app has “surprised and delighted” as much as the 5.0 release of CARROT Weather. So good.

Dec 12, 2020: Foggy morning

Nov 27, 2020: The Mandalorian S02E05 is excellent! Honestly, that single episode is better than most of the sequel trilogy.

Oct 22, 2020: Dogwood berries

Oct 17, 2020: Planned to cut the grass today. Probably one of the last cuts of the year. But… lots of wind that’s blowing most of the remaining leaves …

Oct 14, 2020: A nice “Day in the Life” bonus, seeing how many folks are on the fedverse(or at least cross-post) .

Oct 13, 2020: Lunch break walk. #adayinthelife Taken in Downtown Summerville South Carolina at 12:58 (UTC-4) 24-hour photo challenge

Oct 3, 2020: Nice sunset in the Blue Ridge

Oct 1, 2020: Hot Guts

Sep 26, 2020: Decorations

Sep 23, 2020: Pumpkin thief

Sep 22, 2020: Mood

Sep 5, 2020: Tiny fellow decided to look all tough and scary.

Aug 30, 2020: Most of the gang

Aug 21, 2020: Every now and then a Bandcamp recommendation goes somewhere unexpected and wonderful. This is one of them. The Birdwatchers Guide to Atrocity

Aug 9, 2020: Pancakes

Aug 2, 2020: Tiny tree frog on our morning walk.

Jul 12, 2020: Blue bird nest

Jul 12, 2020: Not sure of the plant, but I love it’s flowers. They grow down from the main branches on tiny sticks, then bloom on the end.

Jul 11, 2020: Today is the first day of “stay the heck indoors” season.

Jul 10, 2020: Love some lush and sappy synthwave, Monsters 🎵

Jul 6, 2020: Flowers from before

Jun 27, 2020: Apparently air quality is down here today due to dust from the Saharan desert. You can see the haze from the dust in the air and beautiful sunsets.

Jun 27, 2020: Yard work done! Time for a beer and some tunes.

Jun 21, 2020: Morning walks I love walks in the morning, before it’s too hot. Headphones on with some chill music, not too loud so you can still hear the birds. …

Jun 17, 2020: Drafts 21 brings custom dialogs with HTML/CSS/JS. This is amazing .

May 22, 2020: Stumbled across, the Browncoats Mixtape and now I really need a Firefly rewatch. It’s been a while.

May 10, 2020: “Gross Easter Beer”. It’s an IPA brewed with dragon fruit , passion fruit, lemons and… marshmallow PEEPS. By Westbrook …

May 8, 2020: My battery is getting low and it’s getting dark — Opportunity Rover 💬

May 7, 2020: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big …

May 6, 2020: My workday is done when I close the lid on my work MBP. It’s extremely satisfying to close that lid.

May 6, 2020: Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, …

May 5, 2020: I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time – when the United States is a service and information …

May 4, 2020: I have seen things you people wouldn’t believe. HTML tags nested 14 layers deep off the shoulder of a signature. I watched DOM beams glitter in …

Apr 14, 2020: Hi 👋

Apr 14, 2020: This song slaps 😅…

Apr 14, 2020: Folks under lockdown sure love to get out and come watch some newly hatched Mallard ducks. The boredom is real.

Apr 3, 2020: Pond visitor

Apr 3, 2020: Even the geese are social distancing.

Mar 28, 2020: How to revisit a beloved Sci-fi franchise, Picard. How not to, Star Wars sequel trilogy.

Mar 24, 2020: Josie

Mar 19, 2020: Have been reading a bunch of posts about how the current forced work from home will help push companies into supporting more of it. Some of that may …

Mar 15, 2020: Pollen Nose

Mar 6, 2020: As someone looking around for a new bookmarking service, Memex looks interesting.

Mar 1, 2020: Another view of this thing I posted a while back. Seems appropriate for vision.

Feb 29, 2020: Leap

Feb 28, 2020: Below

Feb 27, 2020: Coffee together

Feb 26, 2020: A favorite escape, the mountains of WNC.

Feb 25, 2020: Hurdle I’ve got nothing for this one, have a doughnut.

Feb 24, 2020: Double tired.

Feb 23, 2020: Station My dads 40+ year old shortwave radio. When I was a kid, I loved to play with it and listen to the strange sounds and foreign voices it would …

Feb 22, 2020: Spectacle This coffee shop mural has a lot going on.

Feb 21, 2020: Marks on the wall, tracking the growth progress of our youngest.

Feb 20, 2020: Dragon Scales

Feb 19, 2020: Space

Feb 18, 2020: These turtles are way more aggressive for food than you’d expect. Rather hard to oppose them.

Feb 17, 2020: I guess a giant glass of ice tea may count as cool.

Feb 16, 2020: Rest

Feb 15, 2020: Balance

Feb 14, 2020: Warmth

Feb 13, 2020: Rise Some early morning ducks.

Feb 12, 2020: Attachment

Feb 11, 2020: Plain

Feb 10, 2020: Sign Bit of a repost, but a new photo of this old stop sign embedded in the road.

Feb 9, 2020: Lull

Feb 8, 2020: Contrast

Feb 7, 2020: Above

Feb 6, 2020: Plant

Feb 5, 2020: An angle on subscription pricing I haven’t heard mentioned, is the loss of family sharing. Having to pay $4/m is one thing, but if the app is …

Feb 5, 2020: Hide

Feb 4, 2020: Spot

Feb 3, 2020: Reflect. A bit of explanation on this one. It is a reflection of the sun, off of a pond, through a window and finally landing on a wall inside a …

Feb 2, 2020: Without Sight

Feb 1, 2020: Not Open

Jan 27, 2020: Just discovered Prime video no longer has Doctor Who. Really bummed.

Jan 24, 2020: Early flight

Jan 20, 2020: Don’t blink

Jan 20, 2020: Going places

Jan 19, 2020: Well that was a nice one.

Jan 10, 2020: “On my ship, the Rocinante; wheeling through the galaxy”. How did I not know this Rush lyric reference from The Expanse?

Jan 10, 2020: A huge part of my teenage years was Rush and I idolized Neil. One of the best drummers to ever live. Rest in peace, Neil Peart.

Jan 10, 2020: Busy morning on the feeders.

Jan 1, 2020: It’s cool that ProtonMail added encrypted calendaring. Would be nice if we had this(and mail), except with standard protocol based access, …

Dec 28, 2019: Love this in-depth post about Flickr. Lots of good reasons to stay with Flickr.…

Dec 20, 2019: Just finished S4 of The Expanse. It’s been a while since I watched the older episodes, but I think this is one of the best. Solid plots and …

Dec 19, 2019: A Jedi is supposed to build their own lightsaber, right?

Nov 2, 2019: There will be hops 3.

Nov 2, 2019: Stop on top

Oct 6, 2019: The story isn’t amazing, but the scenery is. Hinterland

Oct 6, 2019: A rare moment when these fosters are still enough for a picture.

Sep 22, 2019: Pollen

Sep 21, 2019: It’s just “fake fall”, but a beautiful day for a morning ride to the local coffee shop.

Sep 14, 2019: 🦋onarch

Sep 11, 2019: I was just wondering when GoGo Penguin was going to release something new. Time-Lapse City 🎵🎵🎧

Sep 4, 2019: Another beautiful sunset, thanks to Dorian.

Sep 4, 2019: Couple of hummers fueling up during the storm today. It’s really hard to capture them well, which these photos don’t really do.

Sep 3, 2019: Calm sunset before Dorian hits tomorrow.

Sep 2, 2019: Spent the day doing final prep for Dorian. So much for the holiday.

Aug 19, 2019: One of our foster kittens enjoying Oliver’s tail

Aug 19, 2019: I know they are more efficient, but I do not like the new LED street lights going in everywhere. Too harsh and bright. Give me the dim warm glow of …

Aug 2, 2019: Hope the new Death Cab album turns out as good as the trailer track 🎵

Aug 1, 2019: Dinner out with the wife yesterday to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. Kid in the picture isn’t ours, but really wanted their picture …

Jul 31, 2019: Feels like a Snarky kind of day. 🎵

Jul 28, 2019: For this time of year, some amazingly clear skies tonight. Decided to drag out the telescope and managed some nice views of Jupiter.

Jul 26, 2019: Unexpected mushrooms on our afternoon walk. 📷

Jul 26, 2019: Love the new photos page! Seems like a great time to re-import most of my Instagram photos.

Jul 15, 2019: This week’s ABGT is rather nice… 🎵 ABGT 339

Dec 9, 2017: Actual beer nerd in the wild

Dec 9, 2017: Beer nerds

Nov 26, 2017: Happy gotcha day!

Nov 11, 2017: May have over done it this time.

Nov 2, 2017: Amazing sunset. This picture does not do it justice.

Oct 30, 2017: Neighbors probably think we’re burning the place down.

May 25, 2017:

May 24, 2017: That’s a bunch of doughnuts

May 23, 2017: More ramen for lunch please.

May 22, 2017: Plates of bacon dipped in chocolate 😳

May 22, 2017: Lunch.

May 22, 2017: A full day of coffee and conference.

May 11, 2017: Mornings…….

Apr 29, 2017: Too bad about Columbus tho.

Apr 25, 2017: Nice downtown field. Same gnats.

Apr 21, 2017: This was amazing

Apr 19, 2017: I kinda love this Verde salad.

Apr 19, 2017: Motey and this rug.

Apr 13, 2017:

Apr 11, 2017:

Apr 11, 2017:

Apr 1, 2017: #caturday

Mar 25, 2017: Softies, Geechie Grits, Tomato Pie, Green Beans and sweet Cornbread.

Mar 11, 2017:

Mar 11, 2017: Unexpectedly nice

Feb 18, 2017: Band and Doctor Who? Yup, I was a huge nerd.

Jan 27, 2017: Taking one for the team. Pretty sure they hired the Burger King, King.

Dec 25, 2016: Tired kitty.

Dec 10, 2016: BA Blackbeerd and BBQ. All….the B’s.

Nov 26, 2016:

Nov 6, 2016:

Nov 5, 2016: Full set 2016

Oct 29, 2016:

Oct 29, 2016:

Oct 29, 2016:

Sep 30, 2016: Apparently I didn’t wear enough camo.

Sep 4, 2016: Three extra dogs in this house for a week. Motey is not amused.

Aug 30, 2016: Play ball!!! 💤

Aug 28, 2016: Going for 2001 meets The Shining, or something. This hotel is interesting….

Aug 27, 2016:

Aug 27, 2016: The best downtown alley

Aug 27, 2016: The Redcoats are going?

Aug 25, 2016: Here we go again. At least no gnats right now. I guess the heat fried them all.

Jul 20, 2016:

Jul 20, 2016:

Jun 8, 2016: Berry basket

Jun 8, 2016: Blueberry picking with the family.

Jun 4, 2016: Sup?

May 14, 2016: Yum. Pinecones.

May 8, 2016: Mothers and babies

Apr 16, 2016: Man softies are good.

Apr 9, 2016: Alton Brown Live.

Apr 9, 2016: First game of the year

Apr 3, 2016: Sunday dog walk.

Apr 3, 2016:

Mar 27, 2016: Documenting the tie.

Mar 27, 2016: Eggzzzz

Mar 19, 2016: Plum blossoms.

Mar 13, 2016: Obligatory sunset.

Mar 12, 2016: Avoiding the gnats. “Soccer” practice.

Mar 9, 2016: Football practice. Also known as, feeding the gnats.

Mar 5, 2016:

Jan 12, 2016: This place is amazing. The largest brewery/brewpub I’ve ever visited.

Jan 12, 2016: Wasn’t too bad until it started to rain.

Dec 4, 2015: Tonight’s tasting list.

Dec 4, 2015: Home brew.

Dec 4, 2015: Pick a beer…. any beer.

Nov 29, 2015: Christmas tree hunting

Nov 21, 2015: Old school

Nov 16, 2015: Nicely redone.

Nov 11, 2015: Something to admire while sitting in traffic

Nov 10, 2015: Emanuel

Nov 8, 2015: Skating…sorta.

Sep 19, 2015: Flowertown’s Funky Firkin Fest

Aug 25, 2015: Wienermobile

Jul 14, 2015: One of the many reason I love Asheville. #wickedweed

Jun 18, 2015: Deschutes

Jun 18, 2015: Portlandia

Jun 18, 2015: Portland office is the best office. Too bad about that TV.

Jun 16, 2015:

Jun 16, 2015:

Jun 16, 2015: Don’t usually post food pics, but man.

Jun 10, 2015:

Jun 4, 2015: Farewell Reston office

May 24, 2015: Still a bit cool for a pool day.

May 22, 2015: Rather nice evening out tonight.

May 22, 2015:

May 2, 2015:

May 2, 2015:

May 2, 2015:

Apr 19, 2015: Too bad about that bag.

Apr 18, 2015: So, this happened. Hopefully not as bad as the bacon doughnut.

Apr 16, 2015: Dueling updates.

Apr 12, 2015: 3rd snake and 1st poisonous of the season.

Apr 4, 2015: Maybe get a smartphone.

Apr 4, 2015: Egzzz

Apr 1, 2015: Big nuts…..and bolts.

Apr 1, 2015: Motey

Mar 17, 2015: Yummy burn’t pizza.

Mar 17, 2015: Good morning

Mar 15, 2015: I am bored.

Dec 20, 2014: Material Design

Dec 20, 2014:

Dec 18, 2014: It’s a hokey hokey Christmas

Dec 18, 2014: Redhat 7.0

Oct 20, 2012: Io moth caterpillar.

Oct 20, 2012: Baby squirrel.

Oct 20, 2012: Gator parts.

Oct 20, 2012: A couple of stickers.

Jul 5, 2012:

Jun 28, 2012:

Jun 9, 2012: Huba huba

Jun 2, 2012: Only the top shelf, Costco for this party.

May 18, 2012: Coast Dave Brown

May 7, 2012: Sleepy kitty.

May 2, 2012:

May 2, 2012: Only computer mag. worth reading in B&N now.

Apr 25, 2012: Going to finish the race before it starts.

Apr 22, 2012: Lost eggs

Apr 22, 2012:

Apr 21, 2012:

Apr 20, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012:

Apr 14, 2012: Bucket is full.

Apr 14, 2012: Strawberry picking.

Apr 14, 2012: The flavor is in the meat.

Apr 8, 2012: Not dig’n it.