On vacation this week and giving the 3.0 Micro.blog client a spin. It’s come a long way and I think it’ll be my full time client now.

My governor…..
I look forward to the day democrats are so rare we have to hunt them with dogs
– Henry McMaster
Flowertown festival this weekend and traffic is extra terrible.
Enjoying the new Hipstamatic more than I should. Lack of ads and the temporary nature of posts makes it a fun distraction, but I’ll probably grow tired of all the over processed photos.
Tiny blooms on our Pawpaw tree.

🎬 I realize I am kinda late to this, but finished watching “The Batman” last night and it’s a great movie hiding in a way too long ok movie. I’d love to see about an hour edited out of it.
Find someone pushing for “favorites/likes”, and you’ve likely found someone building an audience. Not someone looking for meaningful engagement.
One good thing about people who drive squat pickups…. You very likely know what kind of person you’re dealing with, if you have any interactions.
My Ode grinder lives!
Had to drill out a jammed burr and do some hammering to free the burr carrier. Sanded the auger, then installed a set of Ode gen 2 burrs on a new carrier. Got the burrs aligned and it’s back to producing nicely ground coffee. Fellow support was helpful and it’s great they have parts available. The Ode is built like a tank and the gen 2 burrs fix the issue of the Ode not grinding fine enough. ☕️